Saturday, January 30, 2010

Recipe Index

Filipino (Asian/Oriental and others) Recipe Index

[Gradually building a comprehensive Filipino recipe list, including Asian/Oriental and other regions' recipes]

Having a hard time finding all your favorite and lesser known Filipino recipes? Is your Filipino cookbook a bit lacking? From traditional home Filipino food, to party favorites, to savoring side dishes, to delicious desserts and refreshments, the Pandisal Filipino Recipe Index is the perfect source.

Dinuguan Manok, Bicol Style

dinuguan manok bicol styleDinuguan Manok (Bicol Way) Recipe


1/2 to 3/4 cup pure coconut milk
1 cup chicken meat and clean internal organs, finely chopped.
1/2 cup chicken blood in 1 cup water
2 teaspoons crushed garlic
1/2 cup sliced onion
1/4 cup strong vinegar
2 teaspoons coarse salt
1 tablespoon lard or oil
1/2 laurel leaf (about 1/2 inch square)
A few oregano leaves (1 teaspoon packed)
1/4 teaspoon crushed peppercorns
2 or 3 green hot peppers


Saute the crushed garlic in lard or oil until golden brown. Add onion and then the chicken. Stir to blend.

Add vinegar, salt, pepper, laurel, and oregano. Bring to a boil without stirring then simmer covered. When chicken is tender, add the chicken blood in water and continue cooking stirring mixture. Add hot peppers and bring to a boil.

Add pure coconut milk to cooked dinuguan and continue simmering, stirring conitnuously, for about 5 minutes. Adjust seasoning to your taste.

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 Dinuguan Manok - Style 2
 Dinuguan Manok - Style 1

Dinuguan Manok - Style 2

dinuguan manokDinuguan Manok (Style 2) Recipe


1 cup chicken meat and clean internal organs, finely chopped.
1/2 cup chicken blood in 1 cup water
2 teaspoons crushed garlic
1/2 cup sliced onion
1/4 cup strong vinegar
2 teaspoons coarse salt
1 tablespoon lard or oil
1/2 laurel leaf (about 1/2 inch square)
A few oregano leaves (1 teaspoon packed)
1/4 teaspoon crushed peppercorns
2 or 3 green hot peppers


Saute the crushed garlic in lard or oil until golden brown. Add onion and then the chicken. Stir to blend.

Add vinegar, salt, pepper, laurel, and oregano. Bring to a boil without stirring then simmer covered. When chicken is tender, add the chicken blood in water and continue cooking stirring mixture. Add hot peppers and bring to a boil.

Adjust seasoning to your taste.

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 Dinuguan Manok, Bicol Style
 Dinuguan Manok - Style 1

Dinuguan Manok - Style 1

dinuguan manokDinuguan Manok (Style 1) Recipe


1/2 cup sliced tomato
1 cup chicken meat and clean internal organs (finely chopped)
1/2 cup sliced onions
Vinegar to taste (about 1/4 cup)
1 head garlic, chopped fine
1/2 cup chicken blood in 1 cup water
1/2 laurel leaf
Salt and pepper to taste
A few oregano leaves


Saute garlic; add onion and tomatoes. Add finely chopped chicken meat and internal organs and stir. Cover and continue cooking five more minutes. Add vinegar, salt, pepper, laurel, and oregano and simmer until meat is tender. Add chicken blood diluted with a cup of water. Continue stirring and cooking for 10 minutes. (If blood has coagulated, mash well with banana leaves before adding. To avoid coagulation, have lemon juice or vinegar on saucer where blood pours from the chicken).

Related Posts
 Dinuguan Manok, Bicol Style
 Dinuguan Manok - Style 2


dinuguanDinuguan Recipe


3 cups internal organs (heart, liver, pancreas, and meat with fat)
1-1/2 cups of blood
1/2 cup vinegar mixed with 1 cup water and 1 tablespoon salt
3-1/2 cups water
1 tablespoon salt
1 small onion, sliced
3 segments garlic, pounded
2 hot peppers
3 tablespoons lard


Clean and cut internal organs into small pieces. Cook in a saucepan (clay or enamel) with the vinegar mixture until tender. In another saucepan, saute garlic and onion. Add boiled internal organs and continue cooking for 5 minutes. Add the blood little by little stirring the mixture while adding and bring to a boil. (Be sure to cut the coagulated blood to small pieces before adding). Add water, season with salt and cook covered a few minutes more. Add hot pepper just before removing from fire. Keep covered and serve hot.

Related Posts
 Dinuguan Manok, Bicol Style
 Dinuguan Manok - Style 2
 Dinuguan Manok - Style 1

Friday, January 29, 2010


champoradoChamporado Recipe


1 cup malagkit rice (also called sticky, sweet, or glutinous rice)
3 cups thin coconut milk or water
1 cup sugar
1 cup pure thick coconut milk
2 tablespoons cocoa or 2 Squares pure chocolate
Pinch of salt


Wash rice well and drain. Put in pot or saucepan with 3 cups thin coconut milk or water, cover and boil about 10 minutes, stirring once in a while to prevent scorching.

Mix the cocoa or grated chocolate with the sugar and add to mixture with the pinch of salt. Cover and allow to simmer until rice is cooked, stirring mixture once in a while. Just before removing from the heat, add the thick coconut milk. Serve hot or cold.

Banana Fritters

banana frittersBanana Fritters Recipe


6 to 8 firm saba bananas
Fritter batter


Peel bananas and slice lengthwise. Roll in flour, then dip in fritter batter, completely coating the banana pieces with the batter. Fry in hot fat, turning fritters to brown evenly. Drain.

Fritter batter is prepared as follows:

1 cup sifted flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/3 cup water
2 tbsps. sugar
4 tbsps. milk
1 beaten egg

Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Add milk and water and then the egg, to dry ingredients and mix until batter is smooth.

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 Banana Chips

Banana Chips

banana chipsBanana Chips Recipe


20 unripe bananas, pared and sliced fine
1 cup sugar and 1/3 tsp. salt
Fat, enough for deep-fat frying


To 3 cups sliced bananas add 3 tablespoons of the sugar and salt mixture. Mix well and fry in deep hot fat until golden brown. Cool and separate sticking pieces. Or fry banana chips first then drop briefly in thick syrup.

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 Banana Fritters

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Leche Flan

leche flanLeche Flan Recipe


8 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
2 cups fresh milk
1 lemon rind or vanilla for flavoring


Scald the milk in a double boiler for 15 minutes. Blend the egg yolks with the sugar, milk, and flavoring. Pour into mold lined with caramelized sugar. Place this in a bigger pan half-filled with water and bake until the mixture becomes firm. Cool before removing from mold. (To caramelize sugar, see Leche Flan (Coconut) Recipe)

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 Leche Flan (Coconut)

Leche Flan (Coconut)

leche flan coconutLeche Flan (Coconut) Recipe


2 cups thick coconut milk
6 egg yolks
4 egg whites
1 cup sugar, refined
1 cup brown sugar


Dissolve brown sugar in 1/4 cup water and cook over moderate heat until the sugar browns, or caramelizes. Line a suitable mold with 3/4 of the caramelized syrup evenly, and set aside.

Stir the milk into the remaining 1/4 of the caramelized syrup. Place over low heat and stir continuously until all caramel is dissolved.

Mix egg yolks, and slightly beaten whites and beat lightly to mix thoroughly. Add sugar and lemon rind. Then add coconut milk with caramelized syrup and mix well. Strain through a cheese cloth and pour into the mold previously lined with caramel. Cook slowly in a pan with hot water without allowing water to boil. After about 1-1/2 hours cooking, place a piece of plain metal sheet over the mold and over this place a few pieces of live charcoal to brown top of custard. Or slip under broiler in oven just long enough to brown.

Cool and unmold before serving.

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 Leche Flan
This site is a Coconuter production