Sunday, August 12, 2007


bopizBopiz Recipe

¼ kilo liver
½ kilo pig’s lungs
1 pig’s heart
4 tablespoons lard
2 cloves garlic
1 medium-sized onion
1 cup chopped tomatoes
½ cup water
Salt and pepper

Boil the lungs until tender. Remove the tendons and chop with the heart and liver. Sauté the garlic, onions and tomatoes. Add the chopped lungs, heart and liver. Add water and cook until meat is tender. Season with salt and pepper.

Ubod ng Niyog

Ubod ng Niyog Recipe

Raw Materials:

ubod ng niyog
ascorbic acid

weighing scale
chopping board
preserving jars


Choose coconut ubod free from fibrous material. Select only tender but crisp part of the trunk.
Trim and wash vegetable thoroughly. Cut into slices of 2 inches long and 1-inch thick.
Immerse immediately in tap water.
Pack the slices into preserving jars/cans.
Fill with hot 1.5% brine containing 0.1% ascorbic acid up to ¼-inch.
Exhaust to 180°F (82°C). Full seal.
Cool, dry and label.

Coconut Jam - Style 3

Coco Jam Recipe - Style 3 Low-Fat


20 kg coconut skim milk
3 ¾ kg brown sugar
1 ¼ kg glucose
citric acid (.025% by wt. of formulation)

expeller or press
centrifuge (separator)
blender or colloid mill
stainless steel cooking vessel
stainless steel spoon or ladle
Packaging Material: Sterilized glass jars with new PVC caps


Prepare the skim milk as described in Coco Honey (steps 1 & 2).
Add the sugar and stir well.
Pour in the glucose.
Mix well and boil mixture for 20 minutes.
Blend or pass the mixture through a colloid mill or homogenizer at 1000 to 1500 psi.
Strain thru a nylon mesh.
Boil again.
When almost done, add the citric acid previously dissolved in a small amount of skim milk.
Continue boiling to an end point of 75 to 76% total soluble solid content. Use the refractometer to determine the end point. An alternative method is the cold water test in which a drop of the mixture forms a soft ball in cold water.
Pour hot mixture in sterilized container. Cool and label.

Related Posts
 Coconut Jam - Style 2
 Coconut Jam - Style 1

Coconut Jam - Style 2

Coco Jam or Matamis na Bao Recipe - Style 2 High-Fat


Pure coconut milk and "panucha" or brown sugar

Packaging Material: Sterilized glass jars with new PVC caps


expeller or press
stainless steel cooking vessel
stainless steel spoon or ladle


Dissolve 'panucha' or brown sugar into the milk and boil.
Strain the mixture and boil again until thick.
Pour into sterilized containers and seal completely.

Related Posts
 Coconut Jam - Style 1

Coconut Jam - Style 1

Coco Jam Recipe - Style 1 (High-fat)


grated coconut
brown sugar
glucose (corn syrup)

expeller or press
stainless steel cooking vessel
stainless steel spoon or ladle
Packaging Material: Sterilized glass jars with new PVC caps


Extract coconut milk as described under Coconut Syrup (steps 1-4).
Boil extracts slowly until soft curds and oily streaks appear on top of the boiling milk.
Add brown sugar (2 parts: 5 parts boiled milk) and boil for another 20 minutes.
Pour in glucose (½ the amount of sugar used) and continue boiling until done over low fire, stirring frequently to prevent burning. End point is reached when a drop of the cooked materials in cold water forms a soft ball.
Cool and pour in sterilized containers and seal completely. Cool and label.

Related Posts
 Coconut Jam - Style 3
 Coconut Jam - Style 2


Bukayo Recipe


1 kg grated coconut
1 kg pulot-ipot (molasses)
½ kg corn syrup
½ g potassium metabisulfite

kitchen scale
wooden spoon or ladle
wooden mold
stainless steel knife
Packaging Material: Cellophane and PE bags (0.003 in. thickness) or tin containers


Dissolve corn syrup in a small amount of water in a carajay over low flame.
Add pulot-ipot previously strained thru cheesecloth to remove impurities and other extraneous materials.
Add potassium metabisulfite previously dissolved in a small amount of water.
Boil mixture to 115°C (239°F) with occasional stirring.
Add grated coconut and cook to desired end point, i.e., when the mixture no longer sticks to the sides of the carajay when scooped out.
Spread on a wooden mold.
Cool and cut into desired pieces.
Wrap individually in cellophane and place in polyethylene bags.
Store in tin containers.

Coconut Burger

Coconut Burger Recipe


2 cups coconut 'sapal'
¼ cup flour
1 tsp salt
5 tsp toyo
1 egg
2 tsp cornstarch
¼ tsp vetsin (optional)
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ cup chopped onions

measuring cups and spoons
frying pan
Packaging Material: PP/PE plastic bags


Steam the coconut sapal for 10-15 minutes.
Mix all ingredients and form patties.
Fry in hot oil.

Coconut Brittle

Coconut Brittle Recipe


2 cups toasted coconut
1 cup sugar
½ tsp salt
Packaging Material: Wide mouth jars rolling pin and PP/PE bags


measuring cups and spoons
wooden spoon
kneading board


Caramelize sugar and salt in a saucepan. Stir once in a while to prevent burning.
When melted and syrup-like, add toasted coconut and mix well until mixture does not stick to the sides of the pan.
Pour on well-greased board and roll with a well-greased rolling pin until very thin.
Cut to desired pieces and store in clean wide mouth jars.

Coconut Whey Syrup

Coconut Whey Syrup Recipe


coco whey
refined sugar
hydrochloric acid

expeller or press
centrifuge (separator)
pH meter
stainless steel cooking vessel
stainless steel spoon
double boiler
Packaging Material: Sterilized glass jars with new PVC caps


A. Preparation of Whey

Prepare coconut skim milk as described in Coconut Honey (steps 1 & 2).
Adjust pH of skim milk to 4 with either 6N HCl or 25% citric acid solution. Separate the coagulated proteins by centrifugation or by filtration.
Collect the coconut whey.
B. Cooking

Dissolve sugar in the whey (1 part sugar: 1 part whey).
Cook in a double boiler or steam jacketed kettle until the total soluble solids content reaches 75%.
Pour hot in sterilized containers and seal completely.
Cool and label.

Coconut Syrup

Coconut Syrup Recipe


grated coconut
refined sugar
di-sodium phosphate

expeller or press
stainless steel cooking vessel
stainless steel spoon or ladle
blender or colloid mill
can sealer
Packaging Material: 2T cans or sterilized glass jars with new PVC caps


Mix grated coconut with water in the proportion of 1 part grated coconut to ½ part water.
Extract milk using an expeller or press.
Mix 'sapal' with water (1 part 'sapal': ½ part water).
Collect coconut milk extracts.
Heat milk at 80-90°C (176-194°F) for 15 minutes and blend in a blender or colloid mill to break coagulated proteins.
Add di-sodium phosphate in a concentration of 0.25% by volume of the milk.
Add sugar at a ratio of 1 part milk to 1 part sugar.
Mix well and cook to a total soluble solids content of 70% (use a refractometer to determine end point). Pour hot in clean containers.
Seal completely.
Cool and label.

Masapan de Coco

Masapan de Coco Recipe


1 cup grated coconut
1 tbsp flour
½ cup evaporated milk
2 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla
¼ cup crushed pineapple
6 tbsp chopped toasted peanuts
Packaging Material: ¾ cup sugar paper boxes


measuring cups and spoons
wooden ladle


Mix the coconut, sugar, pineapple and cook until almost done.
Add milk. Cook over low heat with constant stirring.
Add the slightly beaten egg yolks.
Continue stirring until thick enough to mold.
Pour into paper boxes for molding.
When boxes are filled, brush top with beaten eggs and bake until golden brown on top.
Serve hot or cold.

Coconut Honey

Coconut Honey Recipe


coconut skim milk
stabilizer (sodium alginate)

expeller or press
centrifuge (separator)
blender or colloid mill
stainless steel cooking vessel
can sealer
Packaging Material: 2T cans or sterilized glass jars with new PVC caps


Extract coconut milk as described under coconut syrup (steps 1-4).
Store milk preferably in the cold to allow separation of cream from the water portion (skim milk). Collect the skim milk. (Separation may also be accomplished with the use of a centrifuge.)
To one (1) part of the skim milk, add ½ part sugar and ½ part corn syrup.
Blend with sodium alginate (stabilizer) in a concentration of 0.5% of the mixture.
Heat the mixture over steam for 15 minutes, pass thru a colloid mill and cook with constant stirring on a steam jacketed kettle to a temperature of 104°C (220°F). At this temperature, total soluble solids reading is about 76-77%.
Pour hot product into sterilized container and seal completely. Cool and label.

Coconut Macaroons

Coconut Macaroons Recipe


3 eggs
¾ cup condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla
4 cups desiccated coconut
2/3 cup sugar
1 tbsp butter or margarine

mixing bowl
wooden ladle
measuring cups and spoons
Packaging Material: Paper cups and styrofor with plastic cover


Beat eggs till light and fluffy.
Add butter or margarine and sugar, then beat thoroughly.
Add vanilla, condensed milk and desiccated coconut.
Grease paper cups and fill with the mixture.
Bake in a moderate oven 177°C (350°F) for 15 minutes or until slightly brown.

Coconut Chips

Coconut Chips Recipe


coconuts and refined sugar


sharp knife
mechanical slicer
carajay/sauce pan
stainless steel spoon
Packaging Material: Paper/Polyethylene or Paper/Foil/Polyethylene bags


Pierce eyes of the coconut and allow water to drain.
Preheat oven at 177oC (350°F) and put dewatered coconut until it cracks.
Remove the coconut meat from the shell and parings.
Slice the coconut meat with a peeler.
Mix thoroughly 2 parts slices with 1 part sugar.
Stand for 30 minutes and drain.
Dry in drier at 70oC (158°F) for 2 hours.
Toast in oven till golden brown.

Coconut Candy

Coconut Candy Recipe


1 cup grated coconut
½ cup whole milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup molasses

stainless steel knife
mechanical slicer
stainless steel spoon
stainless steel basin
Packaging Material: Cellophane and PE bags (0.003 in. thickness)


Moisten coconut with part of the milk.
Put the rest of the milk and molasses in a pan and allow the mixture to boil.
When nearly done, add sugar.
Cook until a little of the mixture hardens when dropped into cold water.
Pour into butter-greased pans. Allow to cool slightly.
Cut into small pieces and wrap in cellophane individually.

Chicken with Sotanghon

Chicken with Sotanghon Recipe

1 chicken
1 onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbsp. Lard
1 small bunch green onion, minced
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp. Patis
½ cup diced dried mushroom
¼ kilo sotanghon
Achuete coloring

Boil the chicken until tender. Set broth aside. Remove all the bones from the boiled chicken and cut meat into pieces. Saute garlic and onion until brown. Add finely cut chicken and patis. Simmer for a while. Add achuete coloring, chicken broth and let boil. Add sotanghon which has been soaked and water and cut into desired lengths Add the mushroom which have been soaked in water. Simmer about 5 minutes. Add pepper and salt to taste and the green onions.

Chicken Tinola

Chicken Tinola Recipe

1 chicken cut into serving pieces
2 cups green papaya, cut into serving pieces
1 inch cube ginger, pounded
½ tbsp. Fat
2 cloves garlic, crushed
sili leaves
1 onion, sliced

Fry the garlic, ginger, onion, then add the chicken. Mix well and when partly done and add enough water to cook the chicken until tender. Add the papaya and cook until it is soft but not mushy. Season with patis. Add still leaves before removing from fire.

Chicken Sinigang

Chicken Sinigang Recipe

1(about 1-1/2 lb.)chicken fryer
1 cup 2-inch pieces sitao
1 cup quartered small radishes
¼ cup onions
3 cups camote tops
2 cups tamarind tops (young leaves)and flowers
1tbsp. Coarse salt
Patis to taste

Clean chicken,cut to serving pieces, sprinkle with salt and set aside. Wrap tamarind leaves and flowers and young banana leaf or piece of clean gauze or sinamay and boil in water to cover with the chicken pieces, tomatoes and onion until chicken is almost tender .Remove tamarind from mixture mash and express juice and add to chicken. Discard leaves and flowers. Add the rest of the ingredients and continue cooking until chicken is tender and vegetables are just crisp-tender. Correct seasoning by adding patis to taste. Serve hot.

Chicken Curry (Style 2)

Chicken Curry Recipe (Style 2)

1 chicken, cut into serving pieces
1 cup coconut milk with yellow gender (dilao)
½ cup vinegar
2 tbsp. Lard
½ cup green pepper, cut lengthwise
1 tbsp. Pounded garlic
1 tbsp. Salt

Put chicken in saucepan, add vinegar, salt and one half of the garlic. Simmer until tender, adding water and necessary. When saute garlic until golden brown, add onions and pepper, then the season with salt, if necessary, cover and cook until sauce is reduced to one half. Serve garnished with green pepper. To prepare coconut milk; pound about one cup grated coconut with 1 inch cube peeled, yellow ginger.Add to the rest of one grated coconut and extract the milk.

Related Posts
 Chicken Curry (Style 1)

Chicken Curry (Style 1)

Chicken Curry Recipe (Style 1)

1 spring chicken
½ teaspoon curry powder
½ cup pure coconut milk
2 tablespoon fat
2-1/2 cups diluted coconut milk
1 onion
Salt to taste

Disjoint the chicken .Season with salt. Chop the onion fine. Fry the chicken and set aside .Saute the onion, add add the chicken and the thin coconut milk and curry powder and cook until the sauce is thick, using a little flour for thickening if necessary. When almost dry, add pure coconut milk. Add pepper and salt to taste.

Related Posts
 Chicken Curry (Style 2)

Chicken and Pork (Pipi-an)

Chicken And Pork Recipe

1 chicken
½ kilo pork
1/8 kilo ham
salt and pepper

Cut the meat to desired pieces and cook till tender, Season and add sauce.

Sauce For Pipi-An

½ cup rice
½ cup peanut butter
1 clove garlic
2 onions
4 tablespoon lard
salt or patis
chicken broth

Toast rice, grind and mix with chicken-meat broth and achuete(for coloring). Pound garlic and chop onins till fine. Heat lard, add garlic,then onions and chicharon. Fry till brown. Season with salt or patis to taste. Mix ground rice mixture and peanut butter and add. Cook to boiling point.


Cauliflower Recipe

2 cups cauliflower (separated into flowerettes)
Salt and toyo (soy sauce) to taste
¼ cup sliced onion
1 cup, shelled shrimps
1 cup pork,sliced thinly
2 tbsp. cooking oil
1 cup meat stock

Saute onion in oil, add sliced pork then the shrimps. Add salt. When cooked, set aside the pork and the shrimps. Blend flour in remaining oil. Add the meat stock and stir in the milk. When thick, add the cauliflower. Season with soy sauce. Add the cooked pork and shrimps, mix thoroughly. Simmer for 2 minutes and remove from heat at once.


Cardillo Recipe

1 pound fish
2 tablespoon lard
½ cup water
salt to taste
1 clove garlic, crushed
¼ cup sliced onion
½ cup sliced tomatoes
2 eggs

Clean the fish, cut serving pieces, salt to taste and fry in lard until golden brown. Remove from pan and fry the garlic in the remaining lard. When golden brown add the onion and tomatoes and salt to taste. When tomato is cooked add the water and simmer from 3-5 minutes. Drop the fried fish into the mixture, remove from heat and add the well beaten eggs. Serve hot.

Camaron Rebosado

Camaron Rebosado Recipe

15 fresh shrimps
4 eggs
3 tbsps. Flour
4 calamansi

Select nice fresh shrimps about 4 inches long in size. Remove the shell of the body but leave the head and tail. Remove black intestine by cutting partly the back. Salt to taste and soak in calamansi juice then roll in flour. Drop each shrimps in beaten eggs and fry in deep hot fat.

Calamares Rellenados

Calamares Rellenados Recipe

Removes head, tentacles and ink bags of several medium sized squid or calamares. Clean and season the cavity with a little salt.
Stuff the cavities with the following.

½ cup boiled shrimps chopped fine
½ cup chicken and pork meat,chopped fine
1 small onion,minced
½ cup soft crumbs soaked in milk
1 or 2 eggs
salt and pepper to taste

Mix ingredients in the order given and stuff squids' cavities well up to neck. Replace heads and sew in place. Place squids in a shallow pan, cover with a mixture of 2 cups water, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon toyo sauce, 4 tablespoons shortening, chopped garlic, chopped onions and chopped tomatoes. Salt to taste. Simmer gently until calamares are cooked and liquid reduced to almost half. Remove stuffed squids and serve with sauce strained over them.

Cabbage Guisado

Cabbage Guisado Recipe

1 small cabbage, sliced fine
3 cloves garlic,chopped
½ cup sliced onion
½ cup sliced tomatoes
½ cup pork,sliced
½ cups shelled shrimps
1 cup shrimp juice
2 tbsps. Shortening
salt to taste

Wash cabbage well and drain.Saute in shortening the garlic, onion,pork,and tomatoes.Add shrimps then shrimp juice. Stir until it boils.Add the sliced cabbage and season to taste, Cook until cabbageis crisp tender.

Cabbage and Celery

Cabbage and Celery Recipe

1 small bunch celery (cut into pieces about ½ cup)
½ small cabbage (slice thin about 4 cups)
½ cup shelled shrimps
1 cup ground pork
½ cup sliced onion
1cup shrimp juice
2 tbsps. Shortening
salt to taste

Saute the garlic, onions,tomatoes,pork,and shrimps in shortening, Add salt to taste,Add the shrimps juice, and stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Cover and cook for a few minutes then add the celery and the cabbage,Cook till vegetable are crisp tender.

Burong Mostaza with Egg

Burong Mostaza with Egg Recipe

- 1/2 cup sliced Burong Mostaza
- 3 eggs
- 1/4 cup sliced tomatoes
- 1/4 cup sliced onion
- 2 tablespoons cooking oil
- 3 cloves garlic, crushed
- Salt and pepper

- Saute in oil the garlic until light brown.
- Add onion and when it has turned transparent.
- Add tomatoes and cook about 2 minutes.
- Add burong mostaza and beaten eggs and salt and pepper to taste.
- As soon as eggs are set, remove from heat and serve.

Burong Isda

Burong Isda Recipe
(Fermented Rice with Fish)

- 1 mudfish (medium-sized)
- 1 tbsp. angkak
- 1 cup rice
- 2 cups water
- Salt

- Clean the fish and slice into pieces.
- Salt all the slices and allow to stand six hours or overnight.
- Add the water to the rice and cook.
- Remove the rice from the pot or pan and allow to cool.
- Pound the angkak fine and mix with rice.
- Mix the fish and rice and place in a clean glass jar with a cover.
- Let stand for 3 to 5 days or until mixture smells sour.
To Cook:
- Saute chopped garlic, onion, and tomatoes in two tablespoons lard.
- Add buro and vinegar to taste and saute well.
- If the mixture is rather thick, add a little water.
- Serve hot or cold.

Bulanglang na Bangus

Bulanglang na Bangus Recipe

- 1 bangus (about 1 lb.) broiled whole
- 3 small eggplants, halved
- 1 small ampalaya, quartered
- 1/2 cup 2-inch slices sitao
- 1/2 cup malungay (horse radish leaves) or sitao tops (green bean tops)
- 1/2 cup sliced onion
- 1/2 cup sliced tomatoes
- 1 cup rice washing
- Bagoong to taste

- Place eggplants, ampalaya, sitao, onion, tomatoes with rice washing and bagoong in clay pot or saucepan.
- Bring to a boil.
- Add fish and malungay or sitao tops.
- Cover and simmer just until vegetables are crisp-tender.

Bulanglang (Fish) Style 3

Bulanglang Fish Recipe Style 3

- 1 kilo bangus or milk fish
- 10 ripe guavas, peeled, quartered
- 2 hot peppers
- 1 bunch pepper (labuyo) leaves
- Rice washing
- Patis to taste

- Boil guavas in rice washing until tender.
- Remove seeds and mash with the back of a spoon.
- Return to boiling liquid and add fish.
- Cover and simmer until fish is cooked.
- Add hot peppers and leaves 3 minutes before removing from fire.
- Season to taste with patis.
- Serve with Bagoong Guisado.

Bulanglang Style 2

Bulanglang Recipe Style 2

- 1 kilo pork with bones, cut into serving pieces
- 10 ripe guavas, peeled, quartered
- 2 hot peppers
- 1 bunch pepper (labuyo) leaves
- Rice washing
- Patis to taste

- Boil guavas in rice washing until tender.
- Remove seeds and mash with the back of a spoon.
- Return to boiling liquid and add meat.
- Cover and simmer until meat is tender.
- Add hot peppers and leaves 3 minutes before removing from fire.
- Season to taste with patis.
- Serve with Bagoong Guisado.

Bulanglang Style 1

Bulanglang Recipe Style 1

- 1 cup malungay leaves
- 1 cup squash, cubed
- 1 cup upo, sliced
- 1-1/2 tbsps. bagoong alamang (shrimp paste)
- 1 cup tokua (tofu), cubed, fried
- 1/2 onion
- 1 cup rice washing
- Tomatoes

- Mix tomatoes, onion, bagoong, squash in deep sauce pan or pot.
- Add rice washing and boil.
- After 5 minutes cooking, add tokua and upo.
- When upo is almost tender, add malungay and cook 2 minutes longer or until malungay leaves are wilted.
- Remove from fire.

Bacalao a la Viscaina

Bacalao a la Viscaina Recipe

- 1 pound salt cod, barracuda, or talakitok
- 1 No. 2 can or 2 cups stewed tomatoes
- 2 large onions, chopped fine
- 1 sweet red pepper, chopped fine
- Canned peas, drained
- 2 tbsps. flour
- 4 tbsps. salad oil
- 2 cloves minced garlic
- 4 tbsps. minced parsley
- 1 bay leaf (laurel)
- 1/3 teaspoon powdered thyme
- Patis and pepper to taste
- Mashed potato

- Soak the fish overnight. Change the water once during that period.
- Place in a pan with water to cover. Simmer for 1 hour.
- Take the fish from the liquid and remove the bones from the meat.
- Place the fish on a hot platter and surround it with mashed potato and peas.
- Heat one half of the oil and saute one onion, one clove of garlic and the bay leaf until the onion is golden yellow.
- Add the tomatoes, parsley, thyme, patis, and pepper. Simmer for one hour.
- Strain through a coarse mesh sieve.
- Mix another tablespoon of oil with the flour until the mixture is smooth.
- Heat over a low flame, stirring constantly until brown.
- Pour it into the previously prepared sauce.
- Saute the last onion and clove of garlic in the remaining tablespoon of oil for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Add this with the red pepper to the rest of the sauce.
- Heat the whole sauce and pour it over the codfish.

Asado de Carajay

Asado de Carajay Recipe

- 1 small chicken cut into serving pieces
- 1/4 cup tomatoes (sliced)
- 1 cup water
- 12 grains black pepper
- Salt to taste
- 1/2 bay leaf
- 6 cloves garlic
- 1/4 cup vinegar
- 1 tbsp. paprika
- 2 onions, quartered

- Cook the chicken with the pepper, salt, garlic, bay leaf, and vinegar.
- When the mixture is dry, add paprika and continue cooking until meat is brown.
- Add the water and cook chicken until tender.
- Add tomatoes and onions.
- Continue simmering a few minutes, or until almost dry.

Arroz Caldo with Goto

Arroz Caldo with Goto Recipe

- 1 cup rice
- 1 small onion
- 2 cups boiled goto
- 2 tablespoons patis
- 2 segments garlic
- 2 stalks onion leaves
- 1 pinch pepper

- Clean the goto and simmer in water to cover until tender.
- Cut into serving pieces.
- Saute garlic, onion, and rice.
- Add the liquid in which the goto was cooked (at least 6 cups).
- When rice is almost cooked, add goto and patis and continue cooking until done.
- Fry more garlic until golden brown and sprinkle on each serving together with finely shredded onion leaves and pepper.

Arroz Caldo with Chicken

Arroz Caldo with Chicken Recipe

- 1 cup rice
- 1 small chicken
- 1 inch cube ginger
- 2 segments garlic, chopped fine
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 2 tbsps. lard
- 2 tbsps. patis
- 6 cups water
- 2 stalks green onion

- Dress and cut the chicken into convenient pieces, wash and clean well.
- Pare and slice the ginger thin.
- Saute the garlic, ginger, and onion.
- Add the chicken and season with 2 tablespoonfuls patis.
- Cover, allow to simmer a few minutes.
- Add the rice and water, stirring all ingredients together to avoid sticking to the sides of the pan.
- Cook over low heat for 20 minutes or until chicken and rice are cooked.
- Ad the chopped green onions before serving.

Adobo (Chicken)

Adobo Chicken Recipe

- 1 chicken, regular size
- 1/2 cup vinegar
- 1 clove garlic
- salt to taste
- black pepper
- 1/2 bay leaf
- lard
- 2 cups water

- Clean the chicken, cut into pieces.
- Add the salt, minced garlic and pepper to the chicken.
- Put in a kettle and add the bay leaf, vinegar and water.
- Cover and let simmer until the chicken is tender and the liquid has practically evaporated.
- Add fat and fry meat until brown.
- Serve hot or cold.
- If you prefer this with coconut milk, add thick coconut milk and simmer for a few more minutes.


Adobo Recipe

- 1 kilo pork, cut into pieces, about 2 inches long and 1-1/2 inches thick
- 1 head garlic, pounded
- 4 teaspoons salt or toyo to taste
- 1 teaspoon black pepper, ground
- 1 tablespoon lard
- 2 cups water
- 1/2 cup vinegar (native)

- Place the pork in a saucepan.
- Add vinegar, garlic, pepper, salt or soy sauce, and water.
- Cover the saucepan and cook slowly until the meat is tender and most of the broth has evaporated and only 1/4 cup remains.
- Drain, separate the pieces of garlic from the pork and fry in lard until brown.
- Add the pieces of pork and fry until brown.
- Add the broth and let simmer about 5 minutes. Serve hot.

Arroz a la Luzonia

Arroz a la Luzonia Recipe

- 4 ripe saba bananas, sliced and fried until brown
- 1/4 cup boiled, shredded chicken
- 1/2 cup pork, cut in fine cubes
- 2 raw eggs
- 1 hard-boiled egg, sliced into half moons
- 2 cups boiled "malagkit" rice
- 6 slices red, sweet pepper
- 8 shrimps cut in halves
- 2 tablespoons lard
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 sections garlic, pounded
- 1 small onion cut in small cubes
- Powdered pepper, as desired
- A dash of paprika

- Saute garlic, onion, pork, chicken, and shrimps. Season with salt and pepper.
- Add malagkit and mix well.
- Add paprika for color.
- Remove from fire and cool.
- Add raw eggs, slightly beaten, and mix well.
- Grease a mold and line bottom with sliced hard-boiled egg and slices of red pepper.
- Fill with sauted mixture; cover with a piece of wax paper and steam 30 minutes.
- Unmold and garnish with fried bananas.

Arroz a la Filipina

Arroz a la Filipino Recipe

- 1/2 cup boiled "malagkit"
- 1/2 cup boiled rice
- 1 small chicken
- 3 cloves garlic
- small onion
- 3 ripe tomatoes
- 1 cup water
- 3 tbsps. lard
- 3 medium-sized green peppers
- 1 small package raisins
- 1 hard-cooked egg
- Achuete
- Salt and pepper

- Dress the chicken and cut into small pieces.
- Slice the tomatoes and the onion.
- Soak the achuete in a little amount of water and set aside.
- Saute the garlic, onion, tomatoes, and chicken.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.
- Cover. When chicken is brown add water and cook until tender. Then add the sliced pepper and cook for a few minutes.
- Add the achuete water for coloring, then boiled rice, malagkit and raisins.
- Stir the mixture from time to time to prevent burning.
- Continue cooking on low heat.
- Garnish with hard-cooked eggs.

Arroz a la Cubana

Arroz a la Cubana Recipe

- 1/2 cup ground pork
- 1/2 cup ground beef
- 1/4 cup raisins
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1/4 cup sliced onion
- 1/4 cup sliced tomatoes
- 4 saba bananas
- Cooking oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Cooked rice
- Fried eggs

- Peel saba bananas and slice lengthwise. Fry in cooking oil.
- Saute garlic in 1 tablespoon oil until light brown.
- Add onion and cook until onion slices are transparent.
- Add tomatoes and when cooked, add the ground meats.
- Cook covered for about 10 minutes or until pork is cooked.
- Add raisins and cook another 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
- Season to taste
- Arrange freshly cooked rice on platter and over it, place meat and raisin mixture. Arrange fried bananas around rice. Just before serving, fry eggs and arrange on top.

Ampalaya with Coconut Milk

Ampalaya with Gata (Coconut Milk) Recipe

- 2 coconuts
- 2 cups water
- 1/2 to 1 cup bagoong alamang (shrimp paste)
- 3 medium-sized ampalaya
- 2 cloves garlic, whole unpeeled

- Wash ampalaya well and slice into 3/4-inch squares after removing seeds. Do not wash after slicing.
- Extract milk from coconut, using the 2 cups water.
- Cook coconut milk with garlic cloves. As soon as it begins to coagulate, add bagoong. When oil begins to form, add the ampalaya and continue cooking without stirring, until ampalaya is just crisp-tender.

Related Posts
 Crabs in Coconut Milk
 Bia with Coconut Milk

Ampalaya - Style 2

Ampalaya Recipe - Style 2

- 1 kilo large ampalaya
- 1 cup shelled shrimps
- 1/4 kilo sliced pork
- 1-1/2 cup shrimp juice
- 10 large ripe tomatoes
- 1/4 cup lard
- 1 onion
- 3 cloves garlic
- 3/4 cup vinegar
- Salt and pepper

- Divide ampalaya, remove seeds, and slice thin crosswise.
- Saute garlic and onion in hot lard, then add pork and tomatoes.
- Continue cooking until lard begins to sizzle.
- Add shrimps and when almost cooked add shrimp juice, stirring to avoid curdling.
- When mixture starts to boil, add vinegar; cook for 3 more minutes then add ampalaya.
- Continue cooking until ampalaya is crisp-tender.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.

Related Posts
 Ampalaya with Coconut Milk
 Ampalaya - Style 1

Ampalaya - Style 1

Ampalaya Recipe - Style 1

- 1/2 kilo ampalaya
- 1/4 kilo shrimps, peeled
- 1/4 kilo pork
- 1 onion
- 2 pieces garlic
- 4 ripe tomatoes (1 cup)
- 2 eggs
- 3 tablespoons lard
- 1 cup shrimp liquor
- Salt and pepper to taste

- Divide the ampalaya and remove the seeds. Slice them thin, crosswise.
- Peel the shrimps.
- Cut the pork into small pieces.
- Roast tomatoes, peel them and remove seeds then chop.
- Beat the eggs.
- Saute the garlic, onion, and tomatoes in frying pan.
- Add the pork and the shrimps then the shrimp liquor.
- Simmer until meat is tender.
- Add the sliced ampalaya and continue simmering until ampalaya is crisp-tender.
- Season to taste.
- Add the beaten eggs.

Related Posts
 Ampalaya with Coconut Milk
 Ampalaya - Style 2

Adobong Pusit (Squid)

Adobo Pusit (Squid) Recipe

- 1/2 kilo squids (medium-size)
- 5 cloves garlic, pounded
- 1 small onion, sliced
- 1/2 cup vinegar (native)
- 2 cups water
- 2 tablespoons cooking oil
- Salt or soy sauce to taste
- Pepper to taste
- 2 large tomatoes, sliced

- Wash and clean the squids very well.
- Put the squids in a saucepan (not aluminum) with the vinegar, garlic, pepper, salt, or soy sauce and water.
- Cover and cook slowly until squids are tender.
- Drain, separate the garlic and fry until brown.
- Add the sliced onion, then the tomatoes.
- Add squids and continue to cook a few minutes.
- Add the broth in which the squids have been cooked and bring to a boil.

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