Saturday, May 24, 2008

Balao-Balao (Pampanga)

Balao-balao (Pampanga) Recipe

Balao-balao is similar to Bagoong Rice.


(permanent rice with shrimp)
1/2 kilo shrimp (preferably the soft-shelled variety)
2 tablespoon salt
1 cup rice cooked with
2 cups water


Salt the shrimps and allow to stand overnight. Cook the rice. Remove from sauce pan or pot and allow to cool. Mix the shrimp and the cooked rice and place in a glass jar with cover. Allow to stand until it smells sour (about 3 to 5 days). (It may be colored with a little achuete water)
To cook: saute garlic, onion and roasted, peeled, seeded, and chopped tomatoes. Add balao-balao and vinegar to taste and simmer until done.

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