Friday, October 30, 2009

Daing na Bangus

daing na bangusDaing na Bangus Recipe


1 large, fat bangus (milk fish)
Salt or soy sauce taste
Pepper to taste
2 tablespoon vinegar
3 cloves garlic


Clean the fish and cut lenghtwise along the back from head to tail and spread flat. Mix crushed garlic, vinegar, salt and pepper. Soak fish in the mixture a few hours and dry in the sun. To serve, fry in hot oil and serve with tomato and onion salad.

Crabs With Sili Leaves

crabs coconut milk guinataang alimangoCrabs With Sili Leaves Recipe


2 small fat crabs
3 small tomatoes. quartered
3 cloves small red onion (sibuyas tagalog)
3/4cup shredded buko (young coconut)
1 cup thin coconut milk
1 cup pure coconut milk
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup sili leaves (hot red pepper leaves)


Clean crabs very well; detach pinchers. Detach shells and remove all unedible parts. Fill shells with shredded buko (young coconut) and put back in lace, tying each to the body, if necessary. Place crabs, pinchers, tomatoes, onion cloves and salt and pepper to taste in a saucepan or pot with the thin coconut milk and simmer until crabs are cooked. Add pure coconut milk and sili leaves and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and serve hot.

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 Crabs with Guavas
 Crabs in Coconut Milk Style 2
 Crabs in Coconut Milk
 Alimango (Crab) in Tausi

Crabs with Guavas

crabs with guavasCrabs with Guavas Recipe


4 crabs
5 ripe guavas, medium sized
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
Cooking oil
2-1/2 cups water
Salt and sugar to taste


Clean the crabs, then cut crosswise into two. Peel the guavas and cut into thin slices. Chop onion and and garlic separately. Saute garlic in about 1 tablespoon of oil until brown. Add onion then the guavas. Add the crabs. Cover and cook over low heat a few minutes. Then add water and bring to a boil. Add salt and sugar to taste. Remove from fire when the crabs are cooked.

Related Posts
 Crabs With Sili Leaves
 Crabs in Coconut Milk Style 2
 Crabs in Coconut Milk
 Alimango (Crab) in Tausi


bringeBringe Recipe


1 chicken, boiled and cut into strips
1/2 cup pork, boiled and cut into strips
1 clove garlic minced
4 cups coconut milk
1 tablespoon lard
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup shrimp
1/2 cup ham, chopped
1/2 onion sliced
1 tbsp. curry powder
1/2 laurel leaf
2 cups rice


Fry the garlic; add the onions, shrimps, pork, ham, chicken, curry powder and rice. Add salt and pepper, laurel, and the coconut milk and cook over medium heat, stirring once in a while to avoid burning. When the mixture is dry, cover with banana leaves and continue cooking over low heat until rice is tender.

Brain Omelet

brain omeletBrain Omelet Recipe


2 pork brains (4 halves)
1/2 finely minced onion, small
Salt and pepper to taste
2 well beaten eggs
Oil for frying


Clean brains, removing membrane. Steam brains in very little water until cooked. Season into cubes and add onion. Add a little salt to beaten eggs. Heat enought oil in frying pan, when eggs begin to set. Turn eggs. Place cooked brain on eggs when eggs begin to set. Turn eggs over to completely cover brains. Serve hot.

Bangus En Tocho - Style 2

bangus en tachoBangus en Tocho Recipe (Style 2)


1 large fat bangus
Oil or lard
2 tbsps. cut into very thin, narrow strips about 3/4 inch long
2 section garlic, chopped fine
6 pair-sized tomatoes or large tomatoes scliced
2 tablespoons tajure
2 tablespoon tausi
1 onion silced in long, norrow srips
1 cake tokua, cut into pieces 3/4 inch long and 1/8 wide
2 tablespoons vinegar
Sugar to taste


Clean the fish and cut into serving 1.2 inch thick. Salt and let stand 15 minutes. Drain. Fry in hot lard until brown and set aside. Fry the onion and tokua and set aside. Saute in remaining lard the garlic, ginger and tomatoes. Add to this the tajure dissolved in 1 cup of water. Then add the tausi and the fried tokua, sugar to taste and onion. Simmer 5 minutes longer. Drop the fried fish into this mixture and continue cooking for 3 minutes.

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 Bangus En Tocho - Style 1

Bangus En Tocho - Style 1

bangus en tachoBangus en Tocho Recipe (Style 1)


1 cup tajure
1/2 onion
2 cm. cube ginger
2-4 tbsp. vinegar
4 tomatoes
2 cloves garlic, sliced crosswise
1/2 cup lard


Fry the fish until half done. Soak the tajure in a little water and vinegar. Saute the garlic onion, tomatoes, ginger, and add the tajure mixture. Add the fish and a little water. Boil for 3 minutes.

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 Bangus En Tocho - Style 2


batchoyBatchoy Recipe


1/2 cup sliced pig's lapay (pancreas)
1/2 cup sliced pig's kidney
1/2 cup sliced pig's tenderloin
1/2 cup sliced pig's liver
Fry meat until brown. Set aside.

Saute the following:
2 segments chopped garlic
1 chopped onion and
1 small piece ginger, cut in fine strips
Add the fried mixture then add
1 tablespoon patis


Mix thoroughly and cover. After 10 minutes, add enough stock or water to cover (about 4 cups) and boil until meat becomes tender. Add sili (red pepper) leaves and remove from heat. Serve hot.

Adobong Labong

adobong labongAdobong Labong Recipe


3 cups labong, minced and blanched
1/2 cup pork, boiled tender and minced
1/2 cup shrimp, minced
5 segments garlic, chopped
4 tablespoons patis
1 medium sized onion, chopped
2/3 cup shrimp stock
5 tablespoons fat


Brown garlic and onion in fat. Add pork ang shrimps. Continue cooking mixture in fat, stirring constantly until shrimps are almost cooked. Add patis and stock and labong. Simmer until labong is cooked and then add vinegar. Continue simmering until lmost all liquid has evaporated. Add fat and cook about 6 minutes more. Season to taste.

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This site is a Coconuter production