Thursday, January 28, 2010

Leche Flan (Coconut)

leche flan coconutLeche Flan (Coconut) Recipe


2 cups thick coconut milk
6 egg yolks
4 egg whites
1 cup sugar, refined
1 cup brown sugar


Dissolve brown sugar in 1/4 cup water and cook over moderate heat until the sugar browns, or caramelizes. Line a suitable mold with 3/4 of the caramelized syrup evenly, and set aside.

Stir the milk into the remaining 1/4 of the caramelized syrup. Place over low heat and stir continuously until all caramel is dissolved.

Mix egg yolks, and slightly beaten whites and beat lightly to mix thoroughly. Add sugar and lemon rind. Then add coconut milk with caramelized syrup and mix well. Strain through a cheese cloth and pour into the mold previously lined with caramel. Cook slowly in a pan with hot water without allowing water to boil. After about 1-1/2 hours cooking, place a piece of plain metal sheet over the mold and over this place a few pieces of live charcoal to brown top of custard. Or slip under broiler in oven just long enough to brown.

Cool and unmold before serving.

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