Monday, July 14, 2008

Crabs in Coconut Milk

Crabs in Coconut Milk Recipe


3 fat crabs (alimango)
1 cup chopped buko (young coconut)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup thin coconut milk
1 cup thick coconut milk
1 clove garlic, pounded
2 tablespoons minced onion
A small slice of ginger
2 fresh hot pepper, whole
Salt and pepper to taste


Clean crabs very well. Dip briefly in boiling water. Open and remove all the fat lining the shell. Mix fat with chopped buko and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Fill shells with the mixture. Wrap each young banana leaf.
Arrange crabs in saucepan and over them, the shells wrapped in banana leaf. Boil in 1 cup thin coconut milk with salt and pepper to taste the whole peppers. As soon as crabs are cooked, add thick coconut milk simmer about 5 minutes.

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