Sunday, August 12, 2007

Coconut Syrup

Coconut Syrup Recipe


grated coconut
refined sugar
di-sodium phosphate

expeller or press
stainless steel cooking vessel
stainless steel spoon or ladle
blender or colloid mill
can sealer
Packaging Material: 2T cans or sterilized glass jars with new PVC caps


Mix grated coconut with water in the proportion of 1 part grated coconut to ½ part water.
Extract milk using an expeller or press.
Mix 'sapal' with water (1 part 'sapal': ½ part water).
Collect coconut milk extracts.
Heat milk at 80-90°C (176-194°F) for 15 minutes and blend in a blender or colloid mill to break coagulated proteins.
Add di-sodium phosphate in a concentration of 0.25% by volume of the milk.
Add sugar at a ratio of 1 part milk to 1 part sugar.
Mix well and cook to a total soluble solids content of 70% (use a refractometer to determine end point). Pour hot in clean containers.
Seal completely.
Cool and label.

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