Sunday, August 12, 2007

Chicken Curry (Style 2)

Chicken Curry Recipe (Style 2)

1 chicken, cut into serving pieces
1 cup coconut milk with yellow gender (dilao)
½ cup vinegar
2 tbsp. Lard
½ cup green pepper, cut lengthwise
1 tbsp. Pounded garlic
1 tbsp. Salt

Put chicken in saucepan, add vinegar, salt and one half of the garlic. Simmer until tender, adding water and necessary. When saute garlic until golden brown, add onions and pepper, then the season with salt, if necessary, cover and cook until sauce is reduced to one half. Serve garnished with green pepper. To prepare coconut milk; pound about one cup grated coconut with 1 inch cube peeled, yellow ginger.Add to the rest of one grated coconut and extract the milk.

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