Sunday, August 12, 2007

Calamares Rellenados

Calamares Rellenados Recipe

Removes head, tentacles and ink bags of several medium sized squid or calamares. Clean and season the cavity with a little salt.
Stuff the cavities with the following.

½ cup boiled shrimps chopped fine
½ cup chicken and pork meat,chopped fine
1 small onion,minced
½ cup soft crumbs soaked in milk
1 or 2 eggs
salt and pepper to taste

Mix ingredients in the order given and stuff squids' cavities well up to neck. Replace heads and sew in place. Place squids in a shallow pan, cover with a mixture of 2 cups water, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon toyo sauce, 4 tablespoons shortening, chopped garlic, chopped onions and chopped tomatoes. Salt to taste. Simmer gently until calamares are cooked and liquid reduced to almost half. Remove stuffed squids and serve with sauce strained over them.

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