Sunday, August 12, 2007

Arroz Caldo with Chicken

Arroz Caldo with Chicken Recipe

- 1 cup rice
- 1 small chicken
- 1 inch cube ginger
- 2 segments garlic, chopped fine
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 2 tbsps. lard
- 2 tbsps. patis
- 6 cups water
- 2 stalks green onion

- Dress and cut the chicken into convenient pieces, wash and clean well.
- Pare and slice the ginger thin.
- Saute the garlic, ginger, and onion.
- Add the chicken and season with 2 tablespoonfuls patis.
- Cover, allow to simmer a few minutes.
- Add the rice and water, stirring all ingredients together to avoid sticking to the sides of the pan.
- Cook over low heat for 20 minutes or until chicken and rice are cooked.
- Ad the chopped green onions before serving.

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