Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ampalaya - Style 1

Ampalaya Recipe - Style 1

- 1/2 kilo ampalaya
- 1/4 kilo shrimps, peeled
- 1/4 kilo pork
- 1 onion
- 2 pieces garlic
- 4 ripe tomatoes (1 cup)
- 2 eggs
- 3 tablespoons lard
- 1 cup shrimp liquor
- Salt and pepper to taste

- Divide the ampalaya and remove the seeds. Slice them thin, crosswise.
- Peel the shrimps.
- Cut the pork into small pieces.
- Roast tomatoes, peel them and remove seeds then chop.
- Beat the eggs.
- Saute the garlic, onion, and tomatoes in frying pan.
- Add the pork and the shrimps then the shrimp liquor.
- Simmer until meat is tender.
- Add the sliced ampalaya and continue simmering until ampalaya is crisp-tender.
- Season to taste.
- Add the beaten eggs.

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